And you are right…
Hypnotherapy Facts You Should Know:
Hypnotherapy is pleasant state of mind, similar to daydreaming, in which you become very
receptive to proper suggestions.
The effects are feelings of calmness, tranquility and profound relaxation.
You will not actually be asleep or unconscious. You will always be aware of your
surroundings, but you'll easily disregard the normal elements in the environment.
You will always remain in control and be able to awaken yourself at any time.
You will reject any inappropriate suggestions.
You cannot get stuck in hypnosis. If you are left alone, the absence of the hypnotist's
continued dialog will cause you to come out of it.
The depths of hypnosis can be divided into three levels: light, medium and deep, and
varies with each person. The lightest level is sufficient to break most habits. The most
important factors are your motivation and ability to accept and follow the suggestions.
Anyone of average intelligence can achieve a state of hypnosis. If you can focus your
attention and use your imagination, hypnosis will probably occur immediately. For
varying reasons, some people do require some additional time and practice.
You cannot be hypnotized against your will. If you do not want to experience hypnosis,
you won't.
Because hypnosis is a familiar and natural state of mind some people experiencing
hypnosis are not sure if they were hypnotized or not.
Persons that expect to be unconscious might think they were not hypnotized because
they retained awareness of the surroundings. Hypnosis is a state of heightened
awareness and focus, not a loss of consciousness.
You'll remember your hypnosis session.
Your attitude about reaching your goal is very important. A good attitude produces
good results.
— Loretta Parete AC.Ht.,CLC