And you are right…

…Whatever you’re feeling

I believe we all deserve to live a happy, productive, valuable life - but what we see as happy, valuable and productive. Sometimes all it takes is to find someone to show you the way. I created Positive Life through my own journey to find these things, and developed a combination of treatments to help anyone - quickly, easily and permanently.


A New Approach

Hello, Let me introduce myself! My name is Loretta Parete and I’ve combined hypnosis, life coaching and talk therapy for over a decade, and I’ve seen tremendous success with this combination. I work closely with a group of psychologists, psychiatrists and therapists where I perfected my approach and continue to hone my skills. I enjoy writing and creating custom hypnosis scripts (which is where the talk therapy leads) and is then used in hypnosis. I am proud of the treatment I have developed and honored to do this work, helping people make fast and permanent changes. This method works for a wide verity of issues: from anxiety and depression to nail biting, and everything in between. This method has helped countless clients overcome the traumas or beliefs that have greatly affected their quality of life and held them back.

I believe that you can get EVERYTHING you always wanted, and feel in complete control of your life. It’s truly an easy first step: just ask! Reach out to me with any questions, I am easy to talk to and very passionate about my work - and I promise it will be the most Positive experience of your life!


Loretta Parete, AC.Ht, CLC

Certified Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist

Certified Life Coach

Certified in sports hypnosis

In person, or over the phone @ 973-722-2766

90 East Halsey Road

Parsippany, New Jersey 07054

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What is Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is the therapeutic application of hypnosis, a state of mind which everyone is capable of achieving. It is a powerful, influential communication, which utilizes both conscious and subconscious resources for healing and growth. The practice of hypnosis began thousands of years ago, and it has been used since in many forms and contexts (healing, guided imagery, trauma, anxiety. depression, relaxation, yoga, NLP etc.)

Hypnotherapy uses various means to activate and strengthen the person, through harnessing the mind's full capacities, mainly in a trance state. In trance, the ability to communicate with inner processes is enhanced and intensified. The hypnotherapist guides the client into a trance, a wonderful state of relaxation; thereafter, the client and therapist work together to induce the desirable changes and to internalize them.

Now during Hypnosis
, the Conscious and Sub-conscious parts of the mind undergo a tremendous shift in balance. The Conscious part of the mind recedes and becomes Passive, and the Sub-Conscious part becomes Active and accessible.

While in this state, the power of Critical Conscious Criticism is suppressed, and suggestions go directly to the sub-conscious mind, and is taken as fact, as long as it is not contrary to the subjects ethical or moral values.

YOU ARE IN CONTROL! It's as though you are uploading fresh, positive, software to replace the outdated or defective software that's now messing up your life!

What is a Life Coach:



  • They help their clients lead more balanced lives that better reflect their personal values and goals.

  • A professional who deals with relatively healthy people who want to improve their lives in specific ways.

  • It differs from therapy in that the focus is on the present and future rather than the past, more on goals and behaviors than emotions and emotional patterns.  There is a more equal balance of power between the coach and client than between a therapist and client.

  • The coach is not invested in the outcome.  It is Your agenda that is the focus.

It's a Co-Creative Relationship

Have you been motivated to take classes, read books, seek advice?
Did you feel more confused and misguided then before?  Did you know what to do but needed guidance and action?

You are not alone!

A life coach is your walking talking self-help book.  You don't need to go it alone. You don't need to stay in the same patterns you are in now – with the same mindset that has giving you comfort. You CAN live in choice. It will be more comfortable and positive for you.

Don't in CHOICE!

Having choice is empowering.  The opposite of being in choice is feeling victimized-a disempowering state of mind.

As your coach I will empower you. You will choose to commit to your success.  You can be in a state of Positive Choice!

While we cannot control others, we CAN control our own feelings, decisions, and actions.  To know that YOU can take care of yourself, make conscious choices, and grow through any consequence is a powerful freedom!

That is what a life coach can do for you!

Certified in Sports Hypnotherapy

Help clients be their best. Stay focused even during injury and recovery. Proven methods to improve your game, for recreation and professionally.

Hypnotherapy Facts You Should Know:

Hypnotherapy is pleasant state of mind, similar to daydreaming, in which you become very
receptive to proper suggestions.

  • The effects are feelings of calmness, tranquility and profound relaxation.

  • You will not actually be asleep or unconscious. You will always be aware of your
    surroundings, but you'll easily disregard the normal elements in the environment.

  • You will always remain in control and be able to awaken yourself at any time.

  • You will reject any inappropriate suggestions.

  • You cannot get stuck in hypnosis. If you are left alone, the absence of the hypnotist's
    continued dialog will cause you to come out of it.

  • The depths of hypnosis can be divided into three levels: light, medium and deep, and
    varies with each person. The lightest level is sufficient to break most habits. The most
    important factors are your motivation and ability to accept and follow the suggestions.

  • Anyone of average intelligence can achieve a state of hypnosis. If you can focus your
    attention and use your imagination, hypnosis will probably occur immediately. For
    varying reasons, some people do require some additional time and practice.

  • You cannot be hypnotized against your will. If you do not want to experience hypnosis,
    you won't.

  • Because hypnosis is a familiar and natural state of mind some people experiencing
    hypnosis are not sure if they were hypnotized or not.

  • Persons that expect to be unconscious might think they were not hypnotized because
    they retained awareness of the surroundings. Hypnosis is a state of heightened
    awareness and focus, not a loss of consciousness.

  • You'll remember your hypnosis session.

  • Your attitude about reaching your goal is very important. A good attitude produces
    good results.

— Loretta Parete AC.Ht.,CLC

"A coach is someone
who gets you to do
what you don't want to
do, so you can be who
you want to be."

-Coach Tom Landry
Football Hall of Fame

Get started with Positive Life today