Get treatment for all your mental healthcare needs.
Talk Therapy
In person, or over the phone remotely from anywhere. Useful and powerful communication to organize your thoughts. getting you to the change you need.
Life Coaching
A life coach is your walking talking self-help book. You don't need to
go it alone. You don't need to stay in the same patterns you are in now
- With the same mindset that gives you comfort, but holds you back. You CAN live in
choice. It will be more comfortable and positive for you.
Highly effective tool that bypasses the limitations of the conscious mind for lasting, profound, permanent change.
All three are combined just for you!
You get Talk therapy, Hypnotherapy, and life coaching combined for a co-creative treatment. tailored just for you!
"The man who really
wants to do
something finds a
way; the other man
finds an excuse."
-E.C. McKenzie
In person or over the phone: Positive Life
90 East Halsey Rd.
Parsippany, New Jersey 07054